The Music Study

woman singing


As the original musical instrument (also the least expensive and most portable!) the human voice remains unmatched in its range of expression and its power to bring people together! Music began with singing, and singing will always be at the center of music history. Singing is great for your posture and overall health, develops confidence in public speaking and verbal communication, improves memory and language skills, and is great fun!

Here at The Music Study, we do our best to ensure that vocal students not only learn proper singing techniques, but also gain an understanding of music as a whole. That includes learning to read music, familiarity with music theory, and coaching in performing for an audience. And we encourage our students to explore songwriting and to develop their own vocal style!

girl at piano


Ever since its invention by Bartolomeo Cristofori around 1700 AD, the piano has dominated classical music (and later on, jazz music), and has found its way into every other form of music besides! With its highly recognizable (and logical) layout of 88 black and white keys arranged in a line from lowest note to highest note, the piano is a great instrument for learning the fundamentals of music, and delving into the secrets of music theory and composition. With modern electronic keyboards adding portability and a virtually unlimited sonic palette to the original design, those who learn the piano can make just about any kind of music they can imagine!

Not to mention that learning the piano develops concentration, dexterity, co-ordination, pattern recognition, as well as sensitivity and sophistication in expression!

man playing guitar


This very popular and portable 4000 yr old string instrument has found its way into almost every form of music — indeed, it would be hard to imagine rock, pop, blues, or country music without the guitar! A great instrument for songwriting and for accompanying yourself while singing, whether you want to rock out to a packed house, wail the blues in your living room, or entertain friends and loved ones around the campfire, the guitar’s versatility makes it a fun and rewarding instrument to master. Here at The Music Study, we can help you do just that!